/var/tmp/bins/dsc create --encrypted --cleanup --extent-size 10 --extent-count 5 --output-dir /tmp/test_up/dsc --ds-bin /var/tmp/bins/crucible-downstairs --region-dir /var/tmp/test_up Removing existing dsc directory "/tmp/test_up/dsc" Creating region directory at: /var/tmp/test_up Creating dsc directory at: /tmp/test_up/dsc Downstairs region 0 created at /var/tmp/test_up/8810 in 0.074937165 Downstairs region 1 created at /var/tmp/test_up/8820 in 0.01805528 Downstairs region 2 created at /var/tmp/test_up/8830 in 0.017476631 Region set with 3 regions was created /var/tmp/bins/dsc start --output-dir /tmp/test_up/dsc --ds-bin /var/tmp/bins/crucible-downstairs --region-dir /var/tmp/test_up Using existing output directory "/tmp/test_up/dsc" start ds: 8810 start ds: 8820 start ds: 8830 start access at: Starting downstairs at port 8810 Starting downstairs at port 8820 Starting downstairs at port 8830 Make output file at "/tmp/test_up/dsc/downstairs-8810.txt" Make output file at "/tmp/test_up/dsc/downstairs-8830.txt" Make output file at "/tmp/test_up/dsc/downstairs-8820.txt" [8810][0] reports Starting [8820][1] reports Starting [8830][2] reports Starting Downstairs /var/tmp/test_up/8820 port 8820 PID:Some(1143) [8820][1] reports Running Downstairs /var/tmp/test_up/8810 port 8810 PID:Some(1144) [8810][0] reports Running Downstairs /var/tmp/test_up/8830 port 8830 PID:Some(1145) [8830][2] reports Running Feb 06 22:16:50.666 INFO listening, local_addr: Control access at: Feb 06 22:16:55.709 INFO accepted connection, remote_addr:, local_addr: Main task has work to do, go find it got dsc DisableRestartAll disable restart on all: 3 [8810] Disable keep_running Feb 06 22:16:55.710 [8830] Disable keep_running INFO[8820] Disable keep_running request completed, latency_us: 338, response_code: 204, uri: /disablerestart/all, method: POST, req_id: c9e054dd-cf3d-49d4-a5e1-bfc57601c377, remote_addr:, local_addr: Feb 06 22:19:12.546 INFO accepted connection, remote_addr:, local_addr: Main task has work to do, go find it got dsc DisableRestartAll disable restart on all: 3 Feb 06 22:19:12.546 INFO [8820] Disable keep_running request completed, latency_us:[8810] Disable keep_running [8830] Disable keep_running 162, response_code: 204, uri: /disablerestart/all, method: POST, req_id: 80911032-d859-4e39-8b61-11a01e36fd4d, remote_addr:, local_addr: Feb 06 22:19:12.597 INFO accepted connection, remote_addr:, local_addr: Main task has work to do, go find it got dsc Stop(2) stop 2 Feb 06 22:19:12.598 INFO request completed, latency_us: 158, response_code: 204, uri: /stop/cid/2, method[8830] Got stop action so:false kr:false : POST, req_id: 4403e768-d050-40b5-a132-71e935b55728, remote_addr:, local_addr: [8830] Exited with: ExitStatus(unix_wait_status(9)) [8830][2] reports Exit Feb 06 22:19:12.654 INFO accepted connection, remote_addr:, local_addr: Main task has work to do, go find it got dsc Start(2) start 2 Feb 06 22:19:12.655 INFO request completed, latency_us: 149, response_code: 204, uri: /start/cid/2, method: POST, req_id: be37dda3-44e2-4bcb-a4ad-a14b456d6dfe, remote_addr:, local_addr: [8830] got start action [8830] I am going to restart Starting downstairs at port 8830 Make output file at "/tmp/test_up/dsc/downstairs-8830.txt" [8830][2] reports Starting Downstairs /var/tmp/test_up/8830 port 8830 PID:Some(1189) [8830][2] reports Running Feb 06 22:19:19.056 INFO accepted connection, remote_addr:, local_addr: Main task has work to do, go find it got dsc Shutdown Shutdown Shut it down Feb 06 22:19:19.057 INFO request completed, latency_us: 173, response_code: 204, uri: /shutdown, method: POST, req_id: 19e34284-9982-4955-8926-cda294de6c4f, remote_addr:[8810] Disable keep_running [8810] Got stop action so:false kr:false, local_addr: [8820] Disable keep_running [8820] Got stop action so:false kr:false [8830] Disable keep_running [8830] Got stop action so:false kr:false [8810] Exited with: ExitStatus(unix_wait_status(9)) [8810][0] reports Exit [8830] Exited with: ExitStatus(unix_wait_status(9)) [8830][2] reports Exit [8820] Exited with: ExitStatus(unix_wait_status(9)) [8820][1] reports Exit