Info: constraining clock net 'clk_12mhz' to 12.00 MHz Info: Logic utilisation before packing: Info: Total LUT4s: 5377/83640 6% Info: logic LUTs: 4617/83640 5% Info: carry LUTs: 760/83640 0% Info: RAM LUTs: 0/10455 0% Info: RAMW LUTs: 0/20910 0% Info: Total DFFs: 2940/83640 3% Info: Packing IOs.. Info: $aux1_tx$iobuf_i: aux1_tx_$_TBUF__Y.Y Info: pin 'aux1_tx$tr_io' constrained to Bel 'X0/Y17/PIOA'. Info: $aux0_tx$iobuf_i: aux0_tx_$_TBUF__Y.Y Info: pin 'aux0_tx$tr_io' constrained to Bel 'X0/Y14/PIOA'. Info: pin 'spi_sclk$tr_io' constrained to Bel 'X9/Y95/PIOB'. Info: pin 'spi_csn$tr_io' constrained to Bel 'X13/Y95/PIOA'. Info: pin 'spi_copi$tr_io' constrained to Bel 'X11/Y95/PIOB'. Info: pin 'spi_cipo$tr_io' constrained to Bel 'X11/Y95/PIOA'. Info: pin 'led[7]$tr_io' constrained to Bel 'X114/Y0/PIOA'. Info: pin 'led[6]$tr_io' constrained to Bel 'X116/Y0/PIOA'. Info: pin 'led[5]$tr_io' constrained to Bel 'X114/Y0/PIOB'. Info: pin 'led[4]$tr_io' constrained to Bel 'X116/Y0/PIOB'. Info: pin 'led[3]$tr_io' constrained to Bel 'X119/Y0/PIOA'. Info: pin 'led[2]$tr_io' constrained to Bel 'X119/Y0/PIOB'. Info: pin 'led[1]$tr_io' constrained to Bel 'X76/Y0/PIOA'. Info: pin 'led[0]$tr_io' constrained to Bel 'X76/Y0/PIOB'. Info: pin 'design_reset_l$tr_io' constrained to Bel 'X18/Y95/PIOA'. Info: pin 'debug$tr_io' constrained to Bel 'X63/Y0/PIOB'. Info: pin 'clk_12mhz$tr_io' constrained to Bel 'X63/Y0/PIOA'. Info: pin 'aux1_rx$tr_io' constrained to Bel 'X0/Y17/PIOC'. Info: pin 'aux0_rx$tr_io' constrained to Bel 'X0/Y14/PIOC'. Info: Packing constants.. Info: Packing carries... Info: Packing LUTs... Info: Packing LUT5-7s... Info: Packing FFs... Info: 1692 FFs paired with LUTs. Info: Generating derived timing constraints... Info: Input frequency of PLL 'pll_pll.pll_i' is constrained to 12.0 MHz Info: Derived frequency constraint of 100.0 MHz for net pll_pll.CLKOP Info: Derived frequency constraint of 50.0 MHz for net controller_ignition_controllers__0_tx.CLK Info: Derived frequency constraint of inf MHz for net pll_pll.CLKOS2 Info: Derived frequency constraint of inf MHz for net pll_pll.CLKOS3 Info: Promoting globals... Info: promoting clock net controller_ignition_controllers__0_tx.CLK to global network Info: Checksum: 0xe263f15c Info: Device utilisation: Info: TRELLIS_IO: 19/ 365 5% Info: DCCA: 1/ 56 1% Info: DP16KD: 1/ 208 0% Info: MULT18X18D: 0/ 156 0% Info: ALU54B: 0/ 78 0% Info: EHXPLLL: 1/ 4 25% Info: EXTREFB: 0/ 2 0% Info: DCUA: 0/ 2 0% Info: PCSCLKDIV: 0/ 2 0% Info: IOLOGIC: 0/ 224 0% Info: SIOLOGIC: 0/ 141 0% Info: GSR: 0/ 1 0% Info: JTAGG: 0/ 1 0% Info: OSCG: 0/ 1 0% Info: SEDGA: 0/ 1 0% Info: DTR: 0/ 1 0% Info: USRMCLK: 0/ 1 0% Info: CLKDIVF: 0/ 4 0% Info: ECLKSYNCB: 0/ 10 0% Info: DLLDELD: 0/ 8 0% Info: DDRDLL: 0/ 4 0% Info: DQSBUFM: 0/ 14 0% Info: TRELLIS_ECLKBUF: 0/ 8 0% Info: ECLKBRIDGECS: 0/ 2 0% Info: DCSC: 0/ 2 0% Info: TRELLIS_FF: 2940/ 83640 3% Info: TRELLIS_COMB: 5665/ 83640 6% Info: TRELLIS_RAMW: 0/ 10455 0% Info: Placed 20 cells based on constraints. Info: Creating initial analytic placement for 5326 cells, random placement wirelen = 622273. Info: at initial placer iter 0, wirelen = 3457 Info: at initial placer iter 1, wirelen = 2524 Info: at initial placer iter 2, wirelen = 2520 Info: at initial placer iter 3, wirelen = 2538 Info: Running main analytical placer, max placement attempts per cell = 9303141. Info: at iteration #1, type ALL: wirelen solved = 2333, spread = 53536, legal = 55538; time = 0.20s Info: at iteration #2, type ALL: wirelen solved = 6594, spread = 25365, legal = 28677; time = 0.15s Info: at iteration #3, type ALL: wirelen solved = 8544, spread = 21778, legal = 24825; time = 0.14s Info: at iteration #4, type ALL: wirelen solved = 9977, spread = 19951, legal = 23175; time = 0.13s Info: at iteration #5, type ALL: wirelen solved = 10409, spread = 19440, legal = 22104; time = 0.13s Info: at iteration #6, type ALL: wirelen solved = 11085, spread = 18828, legal = 21869; time = 0.13s Info: at iteration #7, type ALL: wirelen solved = 11633, spread = 19988, legal = 22281; time = 0.13s Info: at iteration #8, type ALL: wirelen solved = 12435, spread = 19496, legal = 21806; time = 0.12s Info: at iteration #9, type ALL: wirelen solved = 12469, spread = 18860, legal = 21416; time = 0.12s Info: at iteration #10, type ALL: wirelen solved = 12540, spread = 18483, legal = 21335; time = 0.12s Info: at iteration #11, type ALL: wirelen solved = 12816, spread = 18523, legal = 21336; time = 0.12s Info: at iteration #12, type ALL: wirelen solved = 13097, spread = 18412, legal = 21290; time = 0.12s Info: at iteration #13, type ALL: wirelen solved = 13131, spread = 18457, legal = 21420; time = 0.12s Info: at iteration #14, type ALL: wirelen solved = 13546, spread = 18263, legal = 21985; time = 0.13s Info: at iteration #15, type ALL: wirelen solved = 13426, spread = 18715, legal = 21842; time = 0.13s Info: at iteration #16, type ALL: wirelen solved = 13657, spread = 18478, legal = 21047; time = 0.12s Info: at iteration #17, type ALL: wirelen solved = 13833, spread = 18689, legal = 21748; time = 0.13s Info: at iteration #18, type ALL: wirelen solved = 14420, spread = 18787, legal = 21622; time = 0.13s Info: at iteration #19, type ALL: wirelen solved = 14561, spread = 18273, legal = 21338; time = 0.12s Info: at iteration #20, type ALL: wirelen solved = 14509, spread = 18962, legal = 21874; time = 0.12s Info: at iteration #21, type ALL: wirelen solved = 14885, spread = 18661, legal = 21387; time = 0.11s Info: HeAP Placer Time: 4.29s Info: of which solving equations: 2.29s Info: of which spreading cells: 0.49s Info: of which strict legalisation: 0.34s Info: Running simulated annealing placer for refinement. Info: at iteration #1: temp = 0.000000, timing cost = 704, wirelen = 21047 Info: at iteration #5: temp = 0.000000, timing cost = 510, wirelen = 18598 Info: at iteration #10: temp = 0.000000, timing cost = 693, wirelen = 17786 Info: at iteration #15: temp = 0.000000, timing cost = 531, wirelen = 17358 Info: at iteration #20: temp = 0.000000, timing cost = 500, wirelen = 17146 Info: at iteration #25: temp = 0.000000, timing cost = 610, wirelen = 17081 Info: at iteration #27: temp = 0.000000, timing cost = 490, wirelen = 17078 Info: SA placement time 11.05s Info: Max frequency for clock 'clk_12mhz$TRELLIS_IO_IN': 1594.90 MHz (PASS at 12.00 MHz) Info: Max frequency for clock '$glbnet$controller_ignition_controllers__0_tx.CLK': 155.26 MHz (PASS at 50.00 MHz) Info: Max delay -> posedge $glbnet$controller_ignition_controllers__0_tx.CLK: 4.13 ns Info: Max delay -> posedge clk_12mhz$TRELLIS_IO_IN : 5.40 ns Info: Max delay posedge $glbnet$controller_ignition_controllers__0_tx.CLK -> : 6.35 ns Info: Max delay posedge clk_12mhz$TRELLIS_IO_IN -> posedge $glbnet$controller_ignition_controllers__0_tx.CLK: 4.91 ns Info: Slack histogram: Info: legend: * represents 54 endpoint(s) Info: + represents [1,54) endpoint(s) Info: [ 13558, 17016) |***************************************************+ Info: [ 17016, 20474) |************************************************************ Info: [ 20474, 23932) | Info: [ 23932, 27390) | Info: [ 27390, 30848) | Info: [ 30848, 34306) | Info: [ 34306, 37764) | Info: [ 37764, 41222) | Info: [ 41222, 44680) | Info: [ 44680, 48138) | Info: [ 48138, 51596) | Info: [ 51596, 55054) | Info: [ 55054, 58512) | Info: [ 58512, 61970) | Info: [ 61970, 65428) | Info: [ 65428, 68886) | Info: [ 68886, 72344) | Info: [ 72344, 75802) | Info: [ 75802, 79260) | Info: [ 79260, 82718) |+ Info: Checksum: 0x1cdf09b2 Info: Routing globals... Info: routing clock net $glbnet$controller_ignition_controllers__0_tx.CLK using global 0 Info: Routing.. Info: Setting up routing queue. Info: Routing 22550 arcs. Info: | (re-)routed arcs | delta | remaining| time spent | Info: IterCnt | w/ripup wo/ripup | w/r wo/r | arcs| batch(sec) total(sec)| Info: 1000 | 53 946 | 53 946 | 21611| 0.42 0.42| Info: 2000 | 172 1827 | 119 881 | 20747| 0.19 0.61| Info: 3000 | 305 2694 | 133 867 | 19894| 0.21 0.81| Info: 4000 | 519 3480 | 214 786 | 19154| 0.21 1.03| Info: 5000 | 653 4346 | 134 866 | 18317| 0.20 1.22| Info: 6000 | 800 5199 | 147 853 | 17480| 0.19 1.42| Info: 7000 | 963 6028 | 163 829 | 16679| 0.20 1.61| Info: 8000 | 1103 6841 | 140 813 | 15847| 0.17 1.79| Info: 9000 | 1254 7648 | 151 807 | 15013| 0.16 1.95| Info: 10000 | 1416 8433 | 162 785 | 14186| 0.18 2.13| Info: 11000 | 1570 9210 | 154 777 | 13357| 0.17 2.30| Info: 12000 | 1755 9998 | 185 788 | 12575| 0.17 2.48| Info: 13000 | 1888 10832 | 133 834 | 11729| 0.15 2.63| Info: 14000 | 2052 11631 | 164 799 | 10913| 0.17 2.80| Info: 15000 | 2190 12439 | 138 808 | 10064| 0.16 2.96| Info: 16000 | 2305 13240 | 115 801 | 9187| 0.15 3.12| Info: 17000 | 2464 14021 | 159 781 | 8357| 0.17 3.29| Info: 18000 | 2620 14750 | 156 729 | 7531| 0.19 3.48| Info: 19000 | 2782 15543 | 162 793 | 6707| 0.18 3.66| Info: 20000 | 2954 16324 | 172 781 | 5891| 0.19 3.84| Info: 21000 | 3087 17146 | 133 822 | 5043| 0.23 4.08| Info: 22000 | 3304 17879 | 217 733 | 4353| 0.23 4.31| Info: 23000 | 3441 18714 | 137 835 | 3504| 0.19 4.50| Info: 24000 | 3651 19500 | 210 786 | 2781| 0.24 4.74| Info: 25000 | 3805 20342 | 154 842 | 1952| 0.21 4.94| Info: 26000 | 4018 21129 | 213 787 | 1249| 0.38 5.32| Info: 27000 | 4200 21860 | 182 731 | 462| 0.22 5.54| Info: 27467 | 4205 22185 | 5 325 | 0| 0.08 5.62| Info: Routing complete. Info: Router1 time 5.62s Info: Checksum: 0x8602952d Info: Critical path report for clock 'clk_12mhz$TRELLIS_IO_IN' (posedge -> posedge): Info: curr total Info: 0.3 0.3 Source reset_sync.reset_hold_TRELLIS_FF_Q.Q Info: 0.3 0.6 Net reset_sync.next_reset[1] (20,25) -> (20,25) Info: Sink reset_sync.reset_hold_TRELLIS_FF_DI.M Info: Defined in: Info: ./env/a5100b25f626625e4edb22f8924275785c36bbdb/vnd/bluespec/Verilog.v:7404.23-7404.33 Info: 0.0 0.6 Setup reset_sync.reset_hold_TRELLIS_FF_DI.M Info: 0.3 ns logic, 0.3 ns routing Info: Critical path report for clock '$glbnet$controller_ignition_controllers__0_tx.CLK' (posedge -> posedge): Info: curr total Info: 0.3 0.3 Source spi_server_page_request_7_TRELLIS_FF_Q_3.Q Info: 0.6 0.9 Net spi_server_page_request_7[15] (8,17) -> (8,17) Info: Sink controller_ignition_controllers__3_always_transmit_LUT4_C_Z_LUT4_Z_D_LUT4_Z.A Info: Defined in: Info: /work/oxidecomputer/quartz/oss-cad-suite/lib/../share/yosys/ecp5/cells_map.v:108.23-108.24 Info: 0.1 1.1 Source controller_ignition_controllers__3_always_transmit_LUT4_C_Z_LUT4_Z_D_LUT4_Z.F Info: 0.8 1.8 Net controller_ignition_controllers__3_always_transmit_LUT4_C_Z_LUT4_Z_D[3] (8,17) -> (7,16) Info: Sink controller_ignition_controllers__3_always_transmit_LUT4_C_Z_LUT4_Z_D_LUT4_D_1.D Info: Defined in: Info: /work/oxidecomputer/quartz/oss-cad-suite/lib/../share/yosys/ecp5/cells_map.v:108.23-108.24 Info: 0.1 2.0 Source controller_ignition_controllers__3_always_transmit_LUT4_C_Z_LUT4_Z_D_LUT4_D_1.F Info: 0.9 2.9 Net controller_ignition_controllers__3_always_transmit_LUT4_C_Z_LUT4_Z_D_LUT4_D_Z[2] (7,16) -> (2,15) Info: Sink IF_controller_ignition_controllers__3_n_status_ETC___d5279_CCU2C_S0_1_B0_LUT4_Z.D Info: Defined in: Info: /work/oxidecomputer/quartz/oss-cad-suite/lib/../share/yosys/ecp5/cells_map.v:108.23-108.24 Info: 0.1 3.0 Source IF_controller_ignition_controllers__3_n_status_ETC___d5279_CCU2C_S0_1_B0_LUT4_Z.F Info: 0.7 3.8 Net IF_controller_ignition_controllers__3_n_status_ETC___d5279_CCU2C_S0_1_B0 (2,15) -> (3,15) Info: Sink IF_controller_ignition_controllers__3_n_status_ETC___d5279_CCU2C_S0_1$CCU2_COMB0.B Info: 0.3 4.0 Source IF_controller_ignition_controllers__3_n_status_ETC___d5279_CCU2C_S0_1$CCU2_COMB0.FCO Info: 0.0 4.0 Net IF_controller_ignition_controllers__3_n_status_ETC___d5279_CCU2C_S0_1$CCU2_FCI_INT (3,15) -> (3,15) Info: Sink IF_controller_ignition_controllers__3_n_status_ETC___d5279_CCU2C_S0_1$CCU2_COMB1.FCI Info: 0.0 4.0 Source IF_controller_ignition_controllers__3_n_status_ETC___d5279_CCU2C_S0_1$CCU2_COMB1.FCO Info: 0.0 4.0 Net IF_controller_ignition_controllers__3_n_status_ETC___d5279_CCU2C_S0_1_COUT (3,15) -> (4,15) Info: Sink IF_controller_ignition_controllers__3_n_status_ETC___d5279_CCU2C_S0$CCU2_COMB0.FCI Info: Defined in: Info: ./env/6cd12454e733fdf05b47cb62cf1366e6f75f072e/hdl/projects/sidecar/mainboard/emulator/mkSidecarMainboardEmulatorOnEcp5Evn.v:22642.7-22643.65 Info: /work/oxidecomputer/quartz/oss-cad-suite/lib/../share/yosys/ecp5/arith_map.v:74.7-80.4 Info: /work/oxidecomputer/quartz/oss-cad-suite/lib/../share/yosys/ecp5/cells_sim.v:82.9-82.13 Info: 0.0 4.1 Source IF_controller_ignition_controllers__3_n_status_ETC___d5279_CCU2C_S0$CCU2_COMB0.FCO Info: 0.0 4.1 Net IF_controller_ignition_controllers__3_n_status_ETC___d5279_CCU2C_S0$CCU2_FCI_INT (4,15) -> (4,15) Info: Sink IF_controller_ignition_controllers__3_n_status_ETC___d5279_CCU2C_S0$CCU2_COMB1.FCI Info: 0.2 4.3 Source IF_controller_ignition_controllers__3_n_status_ETC___d5279_CCU2C_S0$CCU2_COMB1.F Info: 0.4 4.7 Net IF_controller_ignition_controllers__3_n_status_ETC___d5279[7] (4,15) -> (4,15) Info: Sink NOT_IF_controller_ignition_controllers__3_n_st_ETC___d5284_LUT4_Z.D Info: Defined in: Info: ./env/6cd12454e733fdf05b47cb62cf1366e6f75f072e/hdl/projects/sidecar/mainboard/emulator/mkSidecarMainboardEmulatorOnEcp5Evn.v:5771.9-5771.67 Info: 0.1 4.9 Source NOT_IF_controller_ignition_controllers__3_n_st_ETC___d5284_LUT4_Z.F Info: 0.4 5.3 Net NOT_IF_controller_ignition_controllers__3_n_st_ETC___d5284 (4,15) -> (3,15) Info: Sink controller_ignition_controllers__3_n_status_received_count_TRELLIS_FF_Q_5.LSR Info: Defined in: Info: ./env/6cd12454e733fdf05b47cb62cf1366e6f75f072e/hdl/projects/sidecar/mainboard/emulator/mkSidecarMainboardEmulatorOnEcp5Evn.v:6277.8-6277.66 Info: 0.2 5.5 Setup controller_ignition_controllers__3_n_status_received_count_TRELLIS_FF_Q_5.LSR Info: 1.6 ns logic, 3.8 ns routing Info: Critical path report for cross-domain path '' -> 'posedge $glbnet$controller_ignition_controllers__0_tx.CLK': Info: curr total Info: 0.0 0.0 Source spi_copi$tr_io.O Info: 2.9 2.9 Net spi_copi$TRELLIS_IO_IN (11,95) -> (26,48) Info: Sink copi_TRELLIS_FF_Q.M Info: Defined in: Info: ./env/6cd12454e733fdf05b47cb62cf1366e6f75f072e/hdl/projects/sidecar/mainboard/emulator/mkSidecarMainboardEmulatorOnEcp5Evn.v:73.10-73.18 Info: 0.0 2.9 Setup copi_TRELLIS_FF_Q.M Info: 0.0 ns logic, 2.9 ns routing Info: Critical path report for cross-domain path '' -> 'posedge clk_12mhz$TRELLIS_IO_IN': Info: curr total Info: 0.0 0.0 Source design_reset_l$tr_io.O Info: 1.0 1.0 Net design_reset_l$TRELLIS_IO_IN (18,95) -> (20,91) Info: Sink design_reset_l_LUT4_D.D Info: Defined in: Info: ./env/a5100b25f626625e4edb22f8924275785c36bbdb/vnd/bluespec/Verilog.v:7401.23-7401.29 Info: 0.1 1.1 Source design_reset_l_LUT4_D.F Info: 3.1 4.2 Net design_reset_l_LUT4_D_Z (20,91) -> (20,25) Info: Sink reset_sync.reset_hold_TRELLIS_FF_Q.LSR Info: 0.2 4.5 Setup reset_sync.reset_hold_TRELLIS_FF_Q.LSR Info: 0.4 ns logic, 4.1 ns routing Info: Critical path report for cross-domain path 'posedge $glbnet$controller_ignition_controllers__0_tx.CLK' -> '': Info: curr total Info: 0.3 0.3 Source led_r_TRELLIS_FF_Q_1.Q Info: 4.1 4.4 Net led[6]$TRELLIS_IO_OUT (23,5) -> (116,0) Info: Sink led[6]$tr_io.I Info: Defined in: Info: ./env/6cd12454e733fdf05b47cb62cf1366e6f75f072e/hdl/projects/sidecar/mainboard/emulator/mkSidecarMainboardEmulatorOnEcp5Evn.v:3407.15-3407.20 Info: 0.3 ns logic, 4.1 ns routing Info: Critical path report for cross-domain path 'posedge clk_12mhz$TRELLIS_IO_IN' -> 'posedge $glbnet$controller_ignition_controllers__0_tx.CLK': Info: curr total Info: 0.3 0.3 Source reset_sync.reset_hold_TRELLIS_FF_DI.Q Info: 1.8 2.1 Net controller_tofino_sequencer_delay_q_LUT4_B_Z_LUT4_A_Z[0] (20,25) -> (40,15) Info: Sink controller_tofino_sequencer_tofino2_power_up_seq_start_reg$D_IN_LUT4_D_Z_LUT4_Z.B Info: Defined in: Info: /work/oxidecomputer/quartz/oss-cad-suite/lib/../share/yosys/ecp5/cells_map.v:108.23-108.24 Info: 0.1 2.2 Source controller_tofino_sequencer_tofino2_power_up_seq_start_reg$D_IN_LUT4_D_Z_LUT4_Z.F Info: 0.7 2.9 Net controller_tofino_sequencer_delay_q_LUT4_B_D_LUT4_D_Z[3] (40,15) -> (43,16) Info: Sink controller_tofino_sequencer_delay_q_LUT4_C_1_Z_LUT4_B_Z_PFUMX_ALUT_Z_L6MUX21_Z_3_D1_PFUMX_Z_BLUT_LUT4_Z.M Info: Defined in: Info: /work/oxidecomputer/quartz/oss-cad-suite/lib/../share/yosys/ecp5/cells_map.v:108.23-108.24 Info: 0.2 3.1 Source controller_tofino_sequencer_delay_q_LUT4_C_1_Z_LUT4_B_Z_PFUMX_ALUT_Z_L6MUX21_Z_3_D1_PFUMX_Z_BLUT_LUT4_Z.OFX Info: 0.0 3.1 Net controller_tofino_sequencer_delay_q_LUT4_C_1_Z_LUT4_B_Z_PFUMX_ALUT_Z_L6MUX21_Z_3_D1 (43,16) -> (43,16) Info: Sink controller_tofino_sequencer_delay_q_LUT4_C_1_Z_LUT4_B_Z_PFUMX_ALUT_Z_L6MUX21_Z_3_D1_PFUMX_Z_ALUT_LUT4_Z.FXB Info: Defined in: Info: /work/oxidecomputer/quartz/oss-cad-suite/lib/../share/yosys/ecp5/cells_map.v:141.38-141.40 Info: 0.1 3.2 Source controller_tofino_sequencer_delay_q_LUT4_C_1_Z_LUT4_B_Z_PFUMX_ALUT_Z_L6MUX21_Z_3_D1_PFUMX_Z_ALUT_LUT4_Z.OFX Info: 0.4 3.6 Net controller_tofino_sequencer_delay_q_LUT4_C_1_Z_LUT4_B_Z_PFUMX_ALUT_Z[11] (43,16) -> (44,16) Info: Sink controller_tofino_sequencer_tofino2_power_up_seq_state_mkFSMstate_TRELLIS_FF_Q_11.M Info: 0.0 3.6 Setup controller_tofino_sequencer_tofino2_power_up_seq_state_mkFSMstate_TRELLIS_FF_Q_11.M Info: 0.7 ns logic, 2.9 ns routing Info: Max frequency for clock 'clk_12mhz$TRELLIS_IO_IN': 1694.92 MHz (PASS at 12.00 MHz) Info: Max frequency for clock '$glbnet$controller_ignition_controllers__0_tx.CLK': 182.02 MHz (PASS at 50.00 MHz) Info: Max delay -> posedge $glbnet$controller_ignition_controllers__0_tx.CLK: 2.91 ns Info: Max delay -> posedge clk_12mhz$TRELLIS_IO_IN : 4.46 ns Info: Max delay posedge $glbnet$controller_ignition_controllers__0_tx.CLK -> : 4.43 ns Info: Max delay posedge clk_12mhz$TRELLIS_IO_IN -> posedge $glbnet$controller_ignition_controllers__0_tx.CLK: 3.63 ns Info: Slack histogram: Info: legend: * represents 65 endpoint(s) Info: + represents [1,65) endpoint(s) Info: [ 14505, 17917) |************************************************************ Info: [ 17917, 21329) |********************************+ Info: [ 21329, 24741) | Info: [ 24741, 28153) | Info: [ 28153, 31565) | Info: [ 31565, 34977) | Info: [ 34977, 38389) | Info: [ 38389, 41801) | Info: [ 41801, 45213) | Info: [ 45213, 48625) | Info: [ 48625, 52037) | Info: [ 52037, 55449) | Info: [ 55449, 58861) | Info: [ 58861, 62273) | Info: [ 62273, 65685) | Info: [ 65685, 69097) | Info: [ 69097, 72509) | Info: [ 72509, 75921) | Info: [ 75921, 79333) | Info: [ 79333, 82745) |+ Info: Program finished normally.