Max level shown:
1 2024.12.18 22:47:23.850375 [ 32384 ] {} <Information> Application: Will watch for the process with pid 32390
2 2024.12.18 22:47:23.850406 [ 32390 ] {} <Information> Application: Forked a child process to watch
3 2024.12.18 22:47:23.850526 [ 32390 ] {} <Information> SentryWriter: Sending crash reports is disabled
4 2024.12.18 22:47:23.850599 [ 32390 ] {} <Trace> Pipe: Pipe capacity is 1.00 MiB
5 2024.12.18 22:47:24.059183 [ 32390 ] {} <Information> Application: Starting ClickHouse (revision: 54477, git hash: 812b95e14ba8cf744bf1d70e6de607cf130a79fa, build id: 6484B75ECB16F4FF87A88E10249A45E1BDBDE2E5), PID 32390
6 2024.12.18 22:47:24.061252 [ 32390 ] {} <Information> Application: starting up
7 2024.12.18 22:47:24.061292 [ 32390 ] {} <Information> Application: OS name: Linux, version: 5.15.0-1015-aws, architecture: x86_64
8 2024.12.18 22:47:24.151829 [ 32390 ] {} <Information> Application: Available RAM: 30.68 GiB; physical cores: 8; logical cores: 8.
9 2024.12.18 22:47:24.154039 [ 32390 ] {} <Trace> AsynchronousMetrics: Scanning /sys/class/thermal
10 2024.12.18 22:47:24.154051 [ 32390 ] {} <Trace> AsynchronousMetrics: Scanning /sys/block
11 2024.12.18 22:47:24.154084 [ 32390 ] {} <Trace> AsynchronousMetrics: Scanning /sys/devices/system/edac
12 2024.12.18 22:47:24.154093 [ 32390 ] {} <Trace> AsynchronousMetrics: Scanning /sys/class/hwmon
13 2024.12.18 22:47:26.305916 [ 32390 ] {} <Information> Application: Integrity check of the executable successfully passed (checksum: 63E397DB90569A93F13765E06F4A1FBF)
14 2024.12.18 22:47:26.309600 [ 32390 ] {} <Debug> Application: Set max number of file descriptors to 524288 (was 1024).
15 2024.12.18 22:47:26.309611 [ 32390 ] {} <Debug> Application: rlimit on number of threads is 125612
16 2024.12.18 22:47:26.309617 [ 32390 ] {} <Debug> Application: Initializing DateLUT.
17 2024.12.18 22:47:26.309620 [ 32390 ] {} <Trace> Application: Initialized DateLUT with time zone 'UTC'.
18 2024.12.18 22:47:26.309648 [ 32390 ] {} <Debug> Context: Setting up /var/tmp/omicron_tmp/clickward_test/clickhouse-1/data/tmp/ to store temporary data in it
19 2024.12.18 22:47:26.310361 [ 32390 ] {} <Debug> Application: Initializing interserver credentials.
20 2024.12.18 22:47:26.311724 [ 32390 ] {} <Debug> ConfigReloader: Loading config '/var/tmp/omicron_tmp/clickward_test/clickhouse-1/clickhouse-config.xml'
21 2024.12.18 22:47:26.312275 [ 32390 ] {} <Debug> ConfigReloader: Loaded config '/var/tmp/omicron_tmp/clickward_test/clickhouse-1/clickhouse-config.xml', performing update on configuration
22 2024.12.18 22:47:26.312657 [ 32390 ] {} <Information> Application: Setting max_server_memory_usage was set to 27.61 GiB (30.68 GiB available * 0.90 max_server_memory_usage_to_ram_ratio)
23 2024.12.18 22:47:26.312662 [ 32390 ] {} <Information> Application: Setting merges_mutations_memory_usage_soft_limit was set to 15.34 GiB (30.68 GiB available * 0.50 merges_mutations_memory_usage_to_ram_ratio)
24 2024.12.18 22:47:26.312665 [ 32390 ] {} <Information> Application: Merges and mutations memory limit is set to 15.34 GiB
25 2024.12.18 22:47:26.312871 [ 32390 ] {} <Information> BackgroundSchedulePool/BgBufSchPool: Create BackgroundSchedulePool with 16 threads
26 2024.12.18 22:47:26.314179 [ 32390 ] {} <Information> BackgroundSchedulePool/BgSchPool: Create BackgroundSchedulePool with 128 threads
27 2024.12.18 22:47:26.325691 [ 32390 ] {} <Information> BackgroundSchedulePool/BgMBSchPool: Create BackgroundSchedulePool with 16 threads
28 2024.12.18 22:47:26.330479 [ 32390 ] {} <Information> BackgroundSchedulePool/BgDistSchPool: Create BackgroundSchedulePool with 16 threads
29 2024.12.18 22:47:26.331248 [ 32390 ] {} <Information> CertificateReloader: One of paths is empty. Cannot apply new configuration for certificates. Fill all paths and try again.
30 2024.12.18 22:47:26.331267 [ 32390 ] {} <Debug> ConfigReloader: Loaded config '/var/tmp/omicron_tmp/clickward_test/clickhouse-1/clickhouse-config.xml', performed update on configuration
31 2024.12.18 22:47:26.332204 [ 32390 ] {} <Information> Application: Listening for replica communication (interserver): http://[::1]:29401
32 2024.12.18 22:47:26.333765 [ 32390 ] {} <Debug> ConfigReloader: Loading config '/var/tmp/omicron_tmp/clickward_test/clickhouse-1/clickhouse-config.xml'
33 2024.12.18 22:47:26.334274 [ 32390 ] {} <Debug> ConfigReloader: Loaded config '/var/tmp/omicron_tmp/clickward_test/clickhouse-1/clickhouse-config.xml', performing update on configuration
34 2024.12.18 22:47:26.334873 [ 32390 ] {} <Debug> ConfigReloader: Loaded config '/var/tmp/omicron_tmp/clickward_test/clickhouse-1/clickhouse-config.xml', performed update on configuration
35 2024.12.18 22:47:26.335012 [ 32390 ] {} <Debug> Access(user directories): Added users_xml access storage 'users_xml', path: /var/tmp/omicron_tmp/clickward_test/clickhouse-1/clickhouse-config.xml
36 2024.12.18 22:47:26.335548 [ 32390 ] {} <Information> Context: Initialized background executor for merges and mutations with num_threads=16, num_tasks=32, scheduling_policy=round_robin
37 2024.12.18 22:47:26.335993 [ 32390 ] {} <Information> Context: Initialized background executor for move operations with num_threads=8, num_tasks=8
38 2024.12.18 22:47:26.337846 [ 32390 ] {} <Information> Context: Initialized background executor for fetches with num_threads=8, num_tasks=8
39 2024.12.18 22:47:26.338208 [ 32390 ] {} <Information> Context: Initialized background executor for common operations (e.g. clearing old parts) with num_threads=8, num_tasks=8
40 2024.12.18 22:47:26.339450 [ 32390 ] {} <Information> DNSCacheUpdater: Update period 15 seconds
41 2024.12.18 22:47:26.339468 [ 32390 ] {} <Information> Application: Loading metadata from /var/tmp/omicron_tmp/clickward_test/clickhouse-1/data/
42 2024.12.18 22:47:26.339546 [ 32572 ] {} <Debug> DNSResolver: Updating DNS cache
43 2024.12.18 22:47:26.339639 [ 32572 ] {} <Debug> DNSResolver: Updated DNS cache
44 2024.12.18 22:47:26.351384 [ 32390 ] {} <Information> DatabaseAtomic (system): Metadata processed, database system has 0 tables and 0 dictionaries in total.
45 2024.12.18 22:47:26.351394 [ 32390 ] {} <Information> TablesLoader: Parsed metadata of 0 tables in 1 databases in 4.658e-05 sec
46 2024.12.18 22:47:26.351398 [ 32390 ] {} <Trace> ReferentialDeps: No tables
47 2024.12.18 22:47:26.351400 [ 32390 ] {} <Trace> LoadingDeps: No tables
48 2024.12.18 22:47:26.351417 [ 32390 ] {} <Information> DatabaseAtomic (system): Starting up tables.
49 2024.12.18 22:47:26.351427 [ 32390 ] {} <Debug> SystemLog: Not creating system.query_log since corresponding section 'query_log' is missing from config
50 2024.12.18 22:47:26.351432 [ 32390 ] {} <Debug> SystemLog: Not creating system.query_thread_log since corresponding section 'query_thread_log' is missing from config
51 2024.12.18 22:47:26.351436 [ 32390 ] {} <Debug> SystemLog: Not creating system.part_log since corresponding section 'part_log' is missing from config
52 2024.12.18 22:47:26.351439 [ 32390 ] {} <Debug> SystemLog: Not creating system.trace_log since corresponding section 'trace_log' is missing from config
53 2024.12.18 22:47:26.351443 [ 32390 ] {} <Debug> SystemLog: Not creating system.crash_log since corresponding section 'crash_log' is missing from config
54 2024.12.18 22:47:26.351446 [ 32390 ] {} <Debug> SystemLog: Not creating system.text_log since corresponding section 'text_log' is missing from config
55 2024.12.18 22:47:26.351452 [ 32390 ] {} <Debug> SystemLog: Creating system.metric_log from metric_log
56 2024.12.18 22:47:26.352932 [ 32390 ] {} <Debug> SystemLog: Not creating system.filesystem_cache_log since corresponding section 'filesystem_cache_log' is missing from config
57 2024.12.18 22:47:26.352942 [ 32390 ] {} <Debug> SystemLog: Not creating system.filesystem_read_prefetches_log since corresponding section 'filesystem_read_prefetches_log' is missing from config
58 2024.12.18 22:47:26.352948 [ 32390 ] {} <Debug> SystemLog: Creating system.asynchronous_metric_log from asynchronous_metric_log
59 2024.12.18 22:47:26.353065 [ 32390 ] {} <Debug> SystemLog: Creating system.opentelemetry_span_log from opentelemetry_span_log
60 2024.12.18 22:47:26.353233 [ 32390 ] {} <Debug> SystemLog: Not creating system.query_views_log since corresponding section 'query_views_log' is missing from config
61 2024.12.18 22:47:26.353245 [ 32390 ] {} <Debug> SystemLog: Not creating system.zookeeper_log since corresponding section 'zookeeper_log' is missing from config
62 2024.12.18 22:47:26.354428 [ 32390 ] {} <Debug> SystemLog: Not creating system.session_log since corresponding section 'session_log' is missing from config
63 2024.12.18 22:47:26.354433 [ 32390 ] {} <Debug> SystemLog: Not creating system.transactions_info_log since corresponding section 'transactions_info_log' is missing from config
64 2024.12.18 22:47:26.354437 [ 32390 ] {} <Debug> SystemLog: Not creating system.processors_profile_log since corresponding section 'processors_profile_log' is missing from config
65 2024.12.18 22:47:26.354440 [ 32390 ] {} <Debug> SystemLog: Not creating system.asynchronous_insert_log since corresponding section 'asynchronous_insert_log' is missing from config
66 2024.12.18 22:47:26.366700 [ 32390 ] {} <Information> DatabaseCatalog: Found 0 partially dropped tables. Will load them and retry removal.
67 2024.12.18 22:47:26.370265 [ 32390 ] {} <Information> DatabaseAtomic (default): Metadata processed, database default has 0 tables and 0 dictionaries in total.
68 2024.12.18 22:47:26.370276 [ 32390 ] {} <Information> TablesLoader: Parsed metadata of 0 tables in 1 databases in 3.307e-05 sec
69 2024.12.18 22:47:26.370280 [ 32390 ] {} <Trace> ReferentialDeps: No tables
70 2024.12.18 22:47:26.370284 [ 32390 ] {} <Trace> LoadingDeps: No tables
71 2024.12.18 22:47:26.370296 [ 32390 ] {} <Information> DatabaseAtomic (default): Starting up tables.
72 2024.12.18 22:47:26.370381 [ 32390 ] {} <Information> UserDefinedSQLObjectsLoaderFromDisk: Loading user defined objects from /var/tmp/omicron_tmp/clickward_test/clickhouse-1/data/user_defined/
73 2024.12.18 22:47:26.370405 [ 32390 ] {} <Debug> UserDefinedSQLObjectsLoaderFromDisk: User defined objects loaded
74 2024.12.18 22:47:26.370409 [ 32390 ] {} <Debug> Application: Loaded metadata.
75 2024.12.18 22:47:26.370433 [ 32390 ] {} <Information> Application: Tasks stats provider: procfs
76 2024.12.18 22:47:26.370437 [ 32390 ] {} <Information> Application: It looks like the process has no CAP_SYS_NICE capability, the setting 'os_thread_priority' will have no effect. It could happen due to incorrect ClickHouse package installation. You could resolve the problem manually with 'sudo setcap cap_sys_nice=+ep /work/oxidecomputer/omicron/out/clickhouse/clickhouse'. Note that it will not work on 'nosuid' mounted filesystems.
77 2024.12.18 22:47:26.370531 [ 32390 ] {} <Information> CertificateReloader: One of paths is empty. Cannot apply new configuration for certificates. Fill all paths and try again.
78 2024.12.18 22:47:26.370932 [ 32390 ] {} <Trace> AsynchronousMetrics: MemoryTracking: was 12.57 MiB, peak 13.26 MiB, free memory in arenas 20.83 MiB, will set to 385.51 MiB (RSS), difference: 372.93 MiB
79 2024.12.18 22:47:26.372342 [ 32390 ] {} <Trace> AsynchronousMetrics: Update heavy metrics. Update period 1 sec. Update heavy metrics period 120 sec. Heavy metrics calculation elapsed: 2.167e-05 sec.
80 2024.12.18 22:47:26.372914 [ 32390 ] {} <Information> Application: Listening for http://[::1]:29301
81 2024.12.18 22:47:26.372986 [ 32963 ] {} <Debug> DDLWorker: Started DDLWorker cleanup thread
82 2024.12.18 22:47:26.373005 [ 32390 ] {} <Information> Application: Listening for native protocol (tcp): [::1]:29201
83 2024.12.18 22:47:26.373022 [ 32390 ] {} <Information> Application: Ready for connections.
84 2024.12.18 22:47:26.372989 [ 32964 ] {} <Debug> DDLWorker: Starting DDLWorker thread
85 2024.12.18 22:47:26.373038 [ 32964 ] {} <Debug> DDLWorker: Initializing DDLWorker thread
86 2024.12.18 22:47:26.378823 [ 32964 ] {} <Information> ZooKeeperClient: Connected to ZooKeeper at [::1]:29003 with session_id 1
87 2024.12.18 22:47:26.379226 [ 32964 ] {} <Information> ZooKeeperClient: Keeper feature flag FILTERED_LIST: enabled
88 2024.12.18 22:47:26.379230 [ 32964 ] {} <Information> ZooKeeperClient: Keeper feature flag MULTI_READ: enabled
89 2024.12.18 22:47:26.379232 [ 32964 ] {} <Information> ZooKeeperClient: Keeper feature flag CHECK_NOT_EXISTS: disabled
90 2024.12.18 22:47:26.379236 [ 32964 ] {} <Trace> ZooKeeper: Initialized, hosts: [::1]:29001,[::1]:29002,[::1]:29003
91 2024.12.18 22:47:26.407060 [ 32964 ] {} <Debug> DDLWorker: Initialized DDLWorker thread
92 2024.12.18 22:47:26.407072 [ 32964 ] {} <Debug> DDLWorker: Scheduling tasks
93 2024.12.18 22:47:26.407075 [ 32964 ] {} <Trace> DDLWorker: Don't have unfinished tasks after restarting
94 2024.12.18 22:47:26.407080 [ 32963 ] {} <Debug> DDLWorker: Cleaning queue
95 2024.12.18 22:47:26.410608 [ 32964 ] {} <Trace> DDLWorker: scheduleTasks: initialized=true, size_before_filtering=0, queue_size=0, entries=none..none, first_failed_task_name=none, current_tasks_size=0, last_current_task=none, last_skipped_entry_name=none
96 2024.12.18 22:47:26.410622 [ 32964 ] {} <Debug> DDLWorker: No tasks to schedule
97 2024.12.18 22:47:26.410626 [ 32964 ] {} <Debug> DDLWorker: Waiting for queue updates
98 2024.12.18 22:47:27.161470 [ 32453 ] {} <Trace> TCPHandlerFactory: TCP Request. Address: [::1]:37156
99 2024.12.18 22:47:27.161615 [ 32453 ] {} <Debug> TCPHandler: Connected oximeter version 23.8.0, revision: 54465, database: default, user: default.
100 2024.12.18 22:47:27.161652 [ 32453 ] {} <Debug> TCP-Session: f4a4fa67-b81c-4d7e-a5a0-073ead8adf84 Authenticating user 'default' from [::1]:37156
101 2024.12.18 22:47:27.161671 [ 32453 ] {} <Debug> TCP-Session: f4a4fa67-b81c-4d7e-a5a0-073ead8adf84 Authenticated with global context as user 94309d50-4f52-5250-31bd-74fecac179db
102 2024.12.18 22:47:27.161678 [ 32453 ] {} <Debug> TCP-Session: f4a4fa67-b81c-4d7e-a5a0-073ead8adf84 Creating session context with user_id: 94309d50-4f52-5250-31bd-74fecac179db
103 2024.12.18 22:47:27.161811 [ 32453 ] {} <Trace> ContextAccess (default): Settings: readonly = 0, allow_ddl = true, allow_introspection_functions = false
104 2024.12.18 22:47:27.161840 [ 32453 ] {} <Trace> ContextAccess (default): List of all grants: GRANT SHOW, SELECT, INSERT, ALTER, CREATE, DROP, UNDROP TABLE, TRUNCATE, OPTIMIZE, BACKUP, KILL QUERY, KILL TRANSACTION, MOVE PARTITION BETWEEN SHARDS, SYSTEM, dictGet, displaySecretsInShowAndSelect, INTROSPECTION, SOURCES, CLUSTER ON *.*
105 2024.12.18 22:47:27.161850 [ 32453 ] {} <Trace> ContextAccess (default): List of all grants including implicit: GRANT SHOW, SELECT, INSERT, ALTER, CREATE, DROP, UNDROP TABLE, TRUNCATE, OPTIMIZE, BACKUP, KILL QUERY, KILL TRANSACTION, MOVE PARTITION BETWEEN SHARDS, SYSTEM, dictGet, displaySecretsInShowAndSelect, INTROSPECTION, SOURCES, CLUSTER ON *.*
106 2024.12.18 22:47:27.162389 [ 32458 ] {} <Trace> TCPHandlerFactory: TCP Request. Address: [::1]:37160
107 2024.12.18 22:47:27.162581 [ 32458 ] {} <Debug> TCPHandler: Connected oximeter version 23.8.0, revision: 54465, database: default, user: default.
108 2024.12.18 22:47:27.162614 [ 32458 ] {} <Debug> TCP-Session: 4ca6f24e-4ffa-4eee-808e-90f36e247454 Authenticating user 'default' from [::1]:37160
109 2024.12.18 22:47:27.162626 [ 32458 ] {} <Debug> TCP-Session: 4ca6f24e-4ffa-4eee-808e-90f36e247454 Authenticated with global context as user 94309d50-4f52-5250-31bd-74fecac179db
110 2024.12.18 22:47:27.162569 [ 32980 ] {} <Trace> TCPHandlerFactory: TCP Request. Address: [::1]:37164
111 2024.12.18 22:47:27.162631 [ 32458 ] {} <Debug> TCP-Session: 4ca6f24e-4ffa-4eee-808e-90f36e247454 Creating session context with user_id: 94309d50-4f52-5250-31bd-74fecac179db
112 2024.12.18 22:47:27.162710 [ 32980 ] {} <Debug> TCPHandler: Connected oximeter version 23.8.0, revision: 54465, database: default, user: default.
113 2024.12.18 22:47:27.162731 [ 32980 ] {} <Debug> TCP-Session: bf1124e7-235c-46b5-819a-46de9682a511 Authenticating user 'default' from [::1]:37164
114 2024.12.18 22:47:27.162742 [ 32980 ] {} <Debug> TCP-Session: bf1124e7-235c-46b5-819a-46de9682a511 Authenticated with global context as user 94309d50-4f52-5250-31bd-74fecac179db
115 2024.12.18 22:47:27.162746 [ 32980 ] {} <Debug> TCP-Session: bf1124e7-235c-46b5-819a-46de9682a511 Creating session context with user_id: 94309d50-4f52-5250-31bd-74fecac179db
116 2024.12.18 22:47:27.162861 [ 32981 ] {} <Trace> TCPHandlerFactory: TCP Request. Address: [::1]:37162
117 2024.12.18 22:47:27.162989 [ 32981 ] {} <Debug> TCPHandler: Connected oximeter version 23.8.0, revision: 54465, database: default, user: default.
118 2024.12.18 22:47:27.163028 [ 32981 ] {} <Debug> TCP-Session: af37fd28-b7cd-4513-9743-21de19217585 Authenticating user 'default' from [::1]:37162
119 2024.12.18 22:47:27.163039 [ 32981 ] {} <Debug> TCP-Session: af37fd28-b7cd-4513-9743-21de19217585 Authenticated with global context as user 94309d50-4f52-5250-31bd-74fecac179db
120 2024.12.18 22:47:27.163045 [ 32981 ] {} <Debug> TCP-Session: af37fd28-b7cd-4513-9743-21de19217585 Creating session context with user_id: 94309d50-4f52-5250-31bd-74fecac179db
121 2024.12.18 22:47:27.163101 [ 32983 ] {} <Trace> TCPHandlerFactory: TCP Request. Address: [::1]:37168
122 2024.12.18 22:47:27.163262 [ 32455 ] {} <Trace> TCPHandlerFactory: TCP Request. Address: [::1]:37158
123 2024.12.18 22:47:27.163284 [ 32984 ] {} <Trace> TCPHandlerFactory: TCP Request. Address: [::1]:37170
124 2024.12.18 22:47:27.163278 [ 32983 ] {} <Debug> TCPHandler: Connected oximeter version 23.8.0, revision: 54465, database: default, user: default.
125 2024.12.18 22:47:27.163349 [ 32983 ] {} <Debug> TCP-Session: 870627c6-7136-4fee-a8cf-044fc2b9305c Authenticating user 'default' from [::1]:37168
126 2024.12.18 22:47:27.163360 [ 32983 ] {} <Debug> TCP-Session: 870627c6-7136-4fee-a8cf-044fc2b9305c Authenticated with global context as user 94309d50-4f52-5250-31bd-74fecac179db
127 2024.12.18 22:47:27.163363 [ 32983 ] {} <Debug> TCP-Session: 870627c6-7136-4fee-a8cf-044fc2b9305c Creating session context with user_id: 94309d50-4f52-5250-31bd-74fecac179db
128 2024.12.18 22:47:27.163432 [ 32984 ] {} <Debug> TCPHandler: Connected oximeter version 23.8.0, revision: 54465, database: default, user: default.
129 2024.12.18 22:47:27.163478 [ 32984 ] {} <Debug> TCP-Session: 8cf87d54-8574-4c4c-b80d-1ae7b7ba5e0f Authenticating user 'default' from [::1]:37170
130 2024.12.18 22:47:27.163492 [ 32984 ] {} <Debug> TCP-Session: 8cf87d54-8574-4c4c-b80d-1ae7b7ba5e0f Authenticated with global context as user 94309d50-4f52-5250-31bd-74fecac179db
131 2024.12.18 22:47:27.163497 [ 32984 ] {} <Debug> TCP-Session: 8cf87d54-8574-4c4c-b80d-1ae7b7ba5e0f Creating session context with user_id: 94309d50-4f52-5250-31bd-74fecac179db
132 2024.12.18 22:47:27.163480 [ 32985 ] {} <Trace> TCPHandlerFactory: TCP Request. Address: [::1]:37172
133 2024.12.18 22:47:27.163530 [ 32982 ] {} <Trace> TCPHandlerFactory: TCP Request. Address: [::1]:37166
134 2024.12.18 22:47:27.163539 [ 32455 ] {} <Debug> TCPHandler: Connected oximeter version 23.8.0, revision: 54465, database: default, user: default.
135 2024.12.18 22:47:27.163585 [ 32455 ] {} <Debug> TCP-Session: 741cf1f5-b949-4983-8692-75602bf20e76 Authenticating user 'default' from [::1]:37158
136 2024.12.18 22:47:27.163591 [ 32455 ] {} <Debug> TCP-Session: 741cf1f5-b949-4983-8692-75602bf20e76 Authenticated with global context as user 94309d50-4f52-5250-31bd-74fecac179db
137 2024.12.18 22:47:27.163597 [ 32455 ] {} <Debug> TCP-Session: 741cf1f5-b949-4983-8692-75602bf20e76 Creating session context with user_id: 94309d50-4f52-5250-31bd-74fecac179db
138 2024.12.18 22:47:27.163657 [ 32982 ] {} <Debug> TCPHandler: Connected oximeter version 23.8.0, revision: 54465, database: default, user: default.
139 2024.12.18 22:47:27.163660 [ 32985 ] {} <Debug> TCPHandler: Connected oximeter version 23.8.0, revision: 54465, database: default, user: default.
140 2024.12.18 22:47:27.163682 [ 32982 ] {} <Debug> TCP-Session: b0063ab2-4c45-45f2-961d-5538ef79d4df Authenticating user 'default' from [::1]:37166
141 2024.12.18 22:47:27.163688 [ 32982 ] {} <Debug> TCP-Session: b0063ab2-4c45-45f2-961d-5538ef79d4df Authenticated with global context as user 94309d50-4f52-5250-31bd-74fecac179db
142 2024.12.18 22:47:27.163691 [ 32982 ] {} <Debug> TCP-Session: b0063ab2-4c45-45f2-961d-5538ef79d4df Creating session context with user_id: 94309d50-4f52-5250-31bd-74fecac179db
143 2024.12.18 22:47:27.163692 [ 32985 ] {} <Debug> TCP-Session: cddf63dc-a393-411d-8e35-756eb76cf4fc Authenticating user 'default' from [::1]:37172
144 2024.12.18 22:47:27.163702 [ 32985 ] {} <Debug> TCP-Session: cddf63dc-a393-411d-8e35-756eb76cf4fc Authenticated with global context as user 94309d50-4f52-5250-31bd-74fecac179db
145 2024.12.18 22:47:27.163722 [ 32985 ] {} <Debug> TCP-Session: cddf63dc-a393-411d-8e35-756eb76cf4fc Creating session context with user_id: 94309d50-4f52-5250-31bd-74fecac179db
146 2024.12.18 22:47:27.163790 [ 32982 ] {} <Debug> TCPHandler: Done processing connection.
147 2024.12.18 22:47:27.163804 [ 32982 ] {} <Debug> TCP-Session: b0063ab2-4c45-45f2-961d-5538ef79d4df Logout, user_id: 94309d50-4f52-5250-31bd-74fecac179db
148 2024.12.18 22:47:29.513144 [ 32984 ] {} <Debug> TCPHandler: Done processing connection.
149 2024.12.18 22:47:29.513180 [ 32984 ] {} <Debug> TCP-Session: 8cf87d54-8574-4c4c-b80d-1ae7b7ba5e0f Logout, user_id: 94309d50-4f52-5250-31bd-74fecac179db
150 2024.12.18 22:47:29.513181 [ 32980 ] {} <Debug> TCPHandler: Done processing connection.
151 2024.12.18 22:47:29.513212 [ 32980 ] {} <Debug> TCP-Session: bf1124e7-235c-46b5-819a-46de9682a511 Logout, user_id: 94309d50-4f52-5250-31bd-74fecac179db
152 2024.12.18 22:47:29.513213 [ 32983 ] {} <Debug> TCPHandler: Done processing connection.
153 2024.12.18 22:47:29.513260 [ 32985 ] {} <Debug> TCPHandler: Done processing connection.
154 2024.12.18 22:47:29.513261 [ 32455 ] {} <Debug> TCPHandler: Done processing connection.
155 2024.12.18 22:47:29.513285 [ 32985 ] {} <Debug> TCP-Session: cddf63dc-a393-411d-8e35-756eb76cf4fc Logout, user_id: 94309d50-4f52-5250-31bd-74fecac179db
156 2024.12.18 22:47:29.513304 [ 32455 ] {} <Debug> TCP-Session: 741cf1f5-b949-4983-8692-75602bf20e76 Logout, user_id: 94309d50-4f52-5250-31bd-74fecac179db
157 2024.12.18 22:47:29.513231 [ 32981 ] {} <Debug> TCPHandler: Done processing connection.
158 2024.12.18 22:47:29.513328 [ 32453 ] {} <Debug> TCPHandler: Done processing connection.
159 2024.12.18 22:47:29.513261 [ 32983 ] {} <Debug> TCP-Session: 870627c6-7136-4fee-a8cf-044fc2b9305c Logout, user_id: 94309d50-4f52-5250-31bd-74fecac179db
160 2024.12.18 22:47:29.513330 [ 32981 ] {} <Debug> TCP-Session: af37fd28-b7cd-4513-9743-21de19217585 Logout, user_id: 94309d50-4f52-5250-31bd-74fecac179db
161 2024.12.18 22:47:29.513356 [ 32453 ] {} <Debug> TCP-Session: f4a4fa67-b81c-4d7e-a5a0-073ead8adf84 Logout, user_id: 94309d50-4f52-5250-31bd-74fecac179db
162 2024.12.18 22:47:29.513395 [ 32458 ] {} <Debug> TCPHandler: Done processing connection.
163 2024.12.18 22:47:29.513410 [ 32458 ] {} <Debug> TCP-Session: 4ca6f24e-4ffa-4eee-808e-90f36e247454 Logout, user_id: 94309d50-4f52-5250-31bd-74fecac179db
164 2024.12.18 22:47:33.854844 [ 32952 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.metric_log): Flushing system log, 8 entries to flush up to offset 8
165 2024.12.18 22:47:33.854896 [ 32950 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.asynchronous_metric_log): Flushing system log, 1722 entries to flush up to offset 1722
166 2024.12.18 22:47:33.854959 [ 32952 ] {} <Debug> SystemLog (system.metric_log): Creating new table system.metric_log for MetricLog
167 2024.12.18 22:47:33.854978 [ 32950 ] {} <Debug> SystemLog (system.asynchronous_metric_log): Creating new table system.asynchronous_metric_log for AsynchronousMetricLog
168 2024.12.18 22:47:33.860969 [ 32950 ] {} <Trace> StoragePolicy (default): Storage policy default created, total volumes 1
169 2024.12.18 22:47:33.865979 [ 32950 ] {} <Debug> system.asynchronous_metric_log (7c3ddba7-2ad6-4ef0-9dd2-24a14a9867c9): Loading data parts
170 2024.12.18 22:47:33.867656 [ 32950 ] {} <Debug> system.asynchronous_metric_log (7c3ddba7-2ad6-4ef0-9dd2-24a14a9867c9): There are no data parts
171 2024.12.18 22:47:33.868332 [ 32952 ] {} <Debug> system.metric_log (ee439849-900d-43ec-98b1-3b419475083a): Loading data parts
172 2024.12.18 22:47:33.868432 [ 32952 ] {} <Debug> system.metric_log (ee439849-900d-43ec-98b1-3b419475083a): There are no data parts
173 2024.12.18 22:47:33.875998 [ 32950 ] {} <Trace> system.asynchronous_metric_log (7c3ddba7-2ad6-4ef0-9dd2-24a14a9867c9): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
174 2024.12.18 22:47:33.876016 [ 32950 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 164.05 GiB.
175 2024.12.18 22:47:33.877699 [ 32950 ] {} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202412_1_1_0 (state Temporary)
176 2024.12.18 22:47:33.878964 [ 32950 ] {} <Trace> system.asynchronous_metric_log (7c3ddba7-2ad6-4ef0-9dd2-24a14a9867c9): Renaming temporary part tmp_insert_202412_1_1_0 to 202412_1_1_0 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
177 2024.12.18 22:47:33.879090 [ 32950 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.asynchronous_metric_log): Flushed system log up to offset 1722
178 2024.12.18 22:47:33.890767 [ 32952 ] {} <Trace> system.metric_log (ee439849-900d-43ec-98b1-3b419475083a): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
179 2024.12.18 22:47:33.890787 [ 32952 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 164.05 GiB.
180 2024.12.18 22:47:33.898330 [ 32952 ] {} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202412_1_1_0 (state Temporary)
181 2024.12.18 22:47:33.905574 [ 32952 ] {} <Trace> system.metric_log (ee439849-900d-43ec-98b1-3b419475083a): Renaming temporary part tmp_insert_202412_1_1_0 to 202412_1_1_0 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
182 2024.12.18 22:47:33.907273 [ 32952 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.metric_log): Flushed system log up to offset 8
183 2024.12.18 22:47:34.000481 [ 32961 ] {} <Trace> AsynchronousMetrics: MemoryTracking: was 390.09 MiB, peak 398.87 MiB, free memory in arenas 42.64 MiB, will set to 397.71 MiB (RSS), difference: 7.62 MiB
184 2024.12.18 22:47:40.000581 [ 32961 ] {} <Trace> AsynchronousMetrics: MemoryTracking: was 397.71 MiB, peak 398.87 MiB, free memory in arenas 28.55 MiB, will set to 395.69 MiB (RSS), difference: -2.02 MiB
185 2024.12.18 22:47:41.339800 [ 32527 ] {} <Debug> DNSResolver: Updating DNS cache
186 2024.12.18 22:47:41.339885 [ 32527 ] {} <Debug> DNSResolver: Updated DNS cache
187 2024.12.18 22:47:41.379275 [ 32950 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.asynchronous_metric_log): Flushing system log, 1850 entries to flush up to offset 3572
188 2024.12.18 22:47:41.380959 [ 32950 ] {} <Trace> system.asynchronous_metric_log (7c3ddba7-2ad6-4ef0-9dd2-24a14a9867c9): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
189 2024.12.18 22:47:41.380978 [ 32950 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 164.04 GiB.
190 2024.12.18 22:47:41.381414 [ 32950 ] {} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202412_2_2_0 (state Temporary)
191 2024.12.18 22:47:41.381624 [ 32950 ] {} <Trace> system.asynchronous_metric_log (7c3ddba7-2ad6-4ef0-9dd2-24a14a9867c9): Renaming temporary part tmp_insert_202412_2_2_0 to 202412_2_2_0 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
192 2024.12.18 22:47:41.381751 [ 32950 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.asynchronous_metric_log): Flushed system log up to offset 3572
193 2024.12.18 22:47:41.407366 [ 32952 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.metric_log): Flushing system log, 8 entries to flush up to offset 16
194 2024.12.18 22:47:41.424142 [ 32952 ] {} <Trace> system.metric_log (ee439849-900d-43ec-98b1-3b419475083a): Trying to reserve 1.00 MiB using storage policy from min volume index 0
195 2024.12.18 22:47:41.424165 [ 32952 ] {} <Trace> DiskLocal: Reserved 1.00 MiB on local disk `default`, having unreserved 164.04 GiB.
196 2024.12.18 22:47:41.431608 [ 32952 ] {} <Trace> MergedBlockOutputStream: filled checksums 202412_2_2_0 (state Temporary)
197 2024.12.18 22:47:41.437838 [ 32952 ] {} <Trace> system.metric_log (ee439849-900d-43ec-98b1-3b419475083a): Renaming temporary part tmp_insert_202412_2_2_0 to 202412_2_2_0 with tid (1, 1, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
198 2024.12.18 22:47:41.438959 [ 32952 ] {} <Trace> SystemLog (system.metric_log): Flushed system log up to offset 16
199 2024.12.18 22:47:42.000599 [ 32961 ] {} <Trace> AsynchronousMetrics: MemoryTracking: was 396.27 MiB, peak 404.30 MiB, free memory in arenas 43.57 MiB, will set to 399.39 MiB (RSS), difference: 3.12 MiB