BasicConfig {
    output_rules: [
    rust_toolchain: Some(
    target: Some(
    access_repos: [],
    publish: [
        BasicConfigPublish {
            from_output: "/out/propolis-server.tar.gz",
            series: "image",
            name: "propolis-server.tar.gz",
        BasicConfigPublish {
            from_output: "/out/propolis-server.sha256.txt",
            series: "image",
            name: "propolis-server.sha256.txt",
    skip_clone: false,




12025-03-11T17:44:25.821Zjob assigned to worker 01JP34WVVN11WJES6DZGZSRRE5 [factory gimlet-EVT22200007-propolis, EVT22200007/21652] (queued for 25 s)
22025-03-11T17:44:33.950Zstarting task 0: "setup"
32025-03-11T17:44:33.975Z++ uname -s
42025-03-11T17:44:33.975Z+ kern=SunOS
52025-03-11T17:44:33.975Z+ build_user=build
62025-03-11T17:44:33.975Z+ build_uid=12345
72025-03-11T17:44:33.975Z+ work_dir=/work
82025-03-11T17:44:33.975Z+ input_dir=/input
92025-03-11T17:44:33.975Z+ [[ 0 == 12345 ]]
102025-03-11T17:44:33.975Z+ case "$kern" in
112025-03-11T17:44:33.975Z+ groupadd -g 12345 build
122025-03-11T17:44:33.975Z+ useradd -u 12345 -g build -d /home/build -s /bin/bash -c build -P 'Primary Administrator' build
132025-03-11T17:44:35.973Z+ zfs create -o mountpoint=/work rpool/work
142025-03-11T17:44:36.012Z++ awk '$2 == "/home" { print $3 }' /etc/mnttab
152025-03-11T17:44:36.037Z+ home_fs=zfs
162025-03-11T17:44:36.037Z+ [[ zfs == autofs ]]
172025-03-11T17:44:36.037Z+ mkdir -p /home/build
182025-03-11T17:44:36.037Z+ chown build:build /home/build /work
192025-03-11T17:44:38.020Z+ chmod 0700 /home/build /work
202025-03-11T17:44:38.046Zprocess exited: duration 4077 ms, exit code 0
212025-03-11T17:44:38.098Zstarting task 1: "rust-toolchain"
222025-03-11T17:44:38.123Z+ printf ' * rust toolchain channel = "%s"\n' stable
232025-03-11T17:44:38.123Z * rust toolchain channel = "stable"
242025-03-11T17:44:38.123Z * rust toolchain profile = "default"
252025-03-11T17:44:38.123Z+ printf ' * rust toolchain profile = "%s"\n' default
262025-03-11T17:44:38.123Z+ export RUSTUP_INIT_SKIP_PATH_CHECK=true
272025-03-11T17:44:38.124Z+ RUSTUP_INIT_SKIP_PATH_CHECK=true
282025-03-11T17:44:38.124Z+ curl --proto =https --tlsv1.2 -sSf https://sh.rustup.rs
292025-03-11T17:44:38.124Z+ /bin/bash -s - -y --no-modify-path --default-toolchain stable --profile default
302025-03-11T17:44:38.229Zinfo: downloading installer
312025-03-11T17:44:38.620Zwarn: It looks like you have an existing installation of Rust at:
322025-03-11T17:44:38.620Zwarn: /opt/ooce/bin
332025-03-11T17:44:38.620Zwarn: It is recommended that rustup be the primary Rust installation.
342025-03-11T17:44:38.620Zwarn: Otherwise you may have confusion unless you are careful with your PATH.
352025-03-11T17:44:38.620Zwarn: If you are sure that you want both rustup and your already installed Rust
362025-03-11T17:44:38.620Zwarn: then please reply `y' or `yes' or set RUSTUP_INIT_SKIP_PATH_CHECK to yes
372025-03-11T17:44:38.620Zwarn: or pass `-y' to ignore all ignorable checks.
382025-03-11T17:44:38.620Zerror: cannot install while Rust is installed
392025-03-11T17:44:38.620Zwarn: continuing (because the -y flag is set and the error is ignorable)
402025-03-11T17:44:38.645Zinfo: profile set to 'default'
412025-03-11T17:44:38.646Zinfo: default host triple is x86_64-unknown-illumos
422025-03-11T17:44:38.646Zinfo: syncing channel updates for 'stable-x86_64-unknown-illumos'
432025-03-11T17:44:38.747Zinfo: latest update on 2025-02-20, rust version 1.85.0 (4d91de4e4 2025-02-17)
442025-03-11T17:44:38.747Zinfo: downloading component 'cargo'
452025-03-11T17:44:38.974Zinfo: downloading component 'clippy'
462025-03-11T17:44:39.029Zinfo: downloading component 'rust-docs'
472025-03-11T17:44:39.378Zinfo: downloading component 'rust-std'
482025-03-11T17:44:39.674Zinfo: downloading component 'rustc'
502025-03-11T17:44:40.225Zthread 'main' panicked at /cargo/registry/src/index.crates.io-1949cf8c6b5b557f/tokio-1.43.0/src/runtime/io/driver.rs:208:27:
512025-03-11T17:44:40.225Zfailed to wake I/O driver: Os { code: 0, kind: Uncategorized, message: "Error 0" }
522025-03-11T17:44:40.225Znote: run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` environment variable to display a backtrace
532025-03-11T17:44:40.254Zprocess exited: duration 2155 ms, exit code 1
542025-03-11T17:44:40.305Zfound 0 output files
552025-03-11T17:44:40.330Ztask 2 was incomplete, marked failed
562025-03-11T17:44:40.330Ztask 3 was incomplete, marked failed
572025-03-11T17:44:40.330Ztask 4 was incomplete, marked failed